Don’t let my sort of smiling face fool you. I can’t stand this place. It’s my very least favorite medical requirement. (I was kind of happy at this moment, though, because the hygienist was done with her horrible work and the dentist just does a quick look.)
On Valentine’s Day, my kindergarten class got in a big school bus…
…went to the Newmark Theatre in downtown Portland…
…and saw the play, Dragons Love Tacos!
This is what the stage looked like.
This is what we looked like while we waited for everyone to get seated. It was kind of boring.
This is what me and Mommy looked like.
And after the play was over, we got to look out at Broadway while we waited to go back to our bus. (I’m the one in the blue comfy coat because, of course I am.)
After a bit of a hiatus, I returned to LEGO Club with Daddy! I even saw my classmates, Milo and Henry, there.
No surprise, I built an amusement park. Blair, the Master Builder who runs the program, gave me a suggestion to add hinges and supports to my roller coaster track. I took his suggestion and it turned out awesome!