A draw amusement parks allllllllll the time. I’ve drawn literally hundreds of them. There are so many in a box and I can’t choose which ones to post, so here’s a recent one.
I’m really into drawing castles lately.
My life’s dream is to go to Disney World. These are all of the parks there!
I drew up plans or a coffee maker I want to build for Daddy. I also drew some crazy faces, just for fun.
In Mommies, there is something called Bite Art (sort of like tattoos, but a machine bites you). This is that machine.
This is a train going from Baltimore to St. Louis.
I made a Word Search. You find the words on the right and check them off on the left.
For a future birthday party, I invented a game called the Spaceship Game. It involves bases and home made spaceships.
At school, Ms. Murphy taught us how to draw a snowman.
I did an online drawing tutorial to draw cute cats.
Speaking of cats…I want six of them when I grow up!
I’ve been drawing airplanes again!
I also like to draw spaceships and rockets.
In Mommies, Lazy launches spaceship missions. This is the Lazy 10.
Here is another galaxy that a spaceship is exploring.
Mommies has a very popular movie series called “Starland.” These are all of the important things in “Starland 1.”
These are the important things in “Starland 7.”
There is a cute little animal in Mommies called a Baby Dexy. This is what it and its cage looks like. There is usually a river and lots of tubes!
These are the different systems inside a Baby Dexy’s body.
Here is a map of the Bahamas. I want to go to Cat Island!
This is a story I wrote called “The Icon.”
Rose found out that Lilac was about to be killed. So Rose and Grin went to The Icon Tower to meet. “What’s your name?” Grin asked her what is her name. She doesn’t tell us so we called her No Name. Then we stole the gun. Then No Name chased us. When Rose and Grin went home, Rose the cat said “meow.”
I get to do a lot of drawings at school. Ms. Murphy is really good at doing drawing tutorials. Here is my drawing of a healthcare hero. I named her Dr. Julianna.
This is how I imagine my “Magical Yet.” She’s kind of like a fairy who helps me eventually do things that I don’t know how to do…yet.
We often watch videos from a website called Scratch Garden. They are so funny and I love them. One of the characters is a beaker that Ms. Murphy taught us how to draw. I also gave him a beaker friend.
This is what a Cat Ball field looks like. Your goal is to get the ball past the Finley Line.
P=Pitcher. A=Against Maker. L & R = Left and Right. Y=Yowler.
My favorite YouTuber is Anna Akana. She is famous for making the music video, “I Have 6 Cats.”
Before school ended, we went and got all the stuff I left behind before school had closed.
This is my school I.D. card. I used it to get milk at lunch time.
Here’s a self-portrait I drew on my second day of school. And pictures of other kids in my class.
And a drawing about my favorite person at the time, Phoebe.
Here are a couple of drawings I did with my 4th grade buddy, Ari. I drew the pictures and Ari wrote the words.
The last big project I did at school before it closed was my “All About Me” book. I was going to show it to Mommy and Daddy at spring conferences with Mrs. Flagg. But we never got to have them. So she sent it home with the rest of my stuff to see. I’m very proud of it! Here it is!