Last week, I read a book about roller coasters while sitting on my homemade roller coaster.

Then Hugs and Baby Rosie rode on my homemade roller coaster.

For school, I wrote a “web list” about roller coasters…

…and drew a diagram of Kingda Ka.

Then, sadly, I actually had to do a lesson about bees.

And I saw a cute cat on our walk.

That was cool because I like cats, too!


It was Teacher Appreciation Week and my school made a video to show the teachers at their virtual staff meeting. This is my picture that went in the video!

I also continued with virtual school, of course. One of my math assignments was to make several equations that equal the number 18. We were told to use objects, like rocks or marbles, to help us. My object was drawings of amusement parks!

And we did a lot of walking…

The deck garden is coming along nicely.

And I participated in my first birthday parade. Happy 9th birthday, Phoenix! We, and a bunch of other people, drove past his house, honking our horns and waving.


All of the days are really starting to feel the same now.

Chalk drawing is getting kind of boring.

But I’ve really been liking my Hot Wheels track.

I finished my third week of virtual school.

Here’s a letter I wrote to Mrs. Flagg and Mrs. Stecher explaining why I like the color pink.

We also went on our daily walks to get closer to my goal of 40 miles. I’m almost to 10 miles now.

While walking, I gathered some leaves and flowers to make nature impressions. This is the salt dough.

Then I pressed the leaves and flowers into the dough and baked it. Here are some that I colored, as well.

We also found some painted rocks on one of our walks.

I invented a dessert called Ellamix. Here’s the recipe: Get two molasses cookies, put some strawberries and blueberries between them, and microwave until warm.

We also pulled out the bread machine Grandma and Grandpa got us a while ago. I didn’t like it very much, but Mommy and Daddy did. I’m more excited about the pizza dough we’re going to make next!


This past week, my school started “Distance Learning For All,” which meant I actually had to do school work. All of my teachers posted lessons and assignments on Google Classroom.

We got to upload a picture of ourselves for our Google Classroom. I instead opted to make a Memoji on Mommy’s phone and used this as my avatar:

Here is my work about hibernators:

I also did some math work using my LEGO roller coaster cars…

…and read from one of the books Grandma sent me. (Thanks, Grandma!)

My PE teacher gave us several options to choose from. I decided to do the “40 Mile Challenge.” So Mommy and I went on a daily walk and logged my distance. I walked over 3 miles last week! I’ll keep counting until I reach 40 miles.

Outside of school, I watered the plants with my water gun…

…and built a new indoor amusement park ride.

Mommy also taught me how to play checkers.

Puzzle update: We’re getting close! Do you think we’ll finish it this week?

Garden update: We planted some individual corn sprouts, but we’re still keeping this cob growing as a science experiment.


I had my first kindergarten music performance called “Panda and the Moon.” I played a monkey!

My music teacher, Mrs. Kelly, recorded the performance, so I will have a link for that eventually.

Here we are performing the Monkey Rap: “Nana banana buh-buh-banana!”

Here is the cast! The monkeys, peacocks, moon, panda, and fish.


On Valentine’s Day, my kindergarten class got in a big school bus…

…went to the Newmark Theatre in downtown Portland…

…and saw the play, Dragons Love Tacos!

This is what the stage looked like.

This is what we looked like while we waited for everyone to get seated. It was kind of boring.

This is what me and Mommy looked like.

And after the play was over, we got to look out at Broadway while we waited to go back to our bus. (I’m the one in the blue comfy coat because, of course I am.)


We just finished our “How To” unit in writing class at school. Here are the stories I made!

“How To Love Phoebe” / “First look at Phoebe so you can recognize her.”

“Next sit next to Phoebe” / “Decide you love Phoebe”

“How To Go Down The Roller Coaster” / “Cross your legs”

“Go down” / “Hold on.”

“How To Play Gingerbread Tag” / “Go to a mat.”

“Lay on the mat” / “Sing a song to change mats.”

“How To Change Lanes In The Car” / “Turn on your turn signal.”

“Watch for cars.” / “Turn the steering wheel.”

“How To Pick A Partner” / “Do you like to pick a partner? Turn the page to learn how.”

“Look at the kids.” / “Find a kid.”

“Pick it.”

“How To Make A Pony Tail” / “Do you have a pony tail? Learn how to make a pony tail.”

“Grab your hair.” / “Squeeze your hair.”

“Tie the rubber band around your hair.”


I got it in my mind to make holiday cards for all 21 of my classmates. I brought them to school and handed them all out. Everyone loved them!

Here’s the email Mrs. Flagg sent Mommy that night: