This is my invention! I call it “Ice Cream Cake.”

Here is the recipe:

  1. Lay down the graham cracker.
  2. Put blueberries on top of the graham cracker.
  3. Put whipped cream over blueberries.
  4. Stir the jam.
  5. Put the jam over the whipped cream.
  6. Sprinkle cinnamon on the jam.
  7. Put lemon strawberry sauce over the cinnamon.
  8. Place the chocolate on the lemon strawberry sauce.
  9. Put the vanilla ice cream over the chocolate.
  10. Put the graham cracker over the vanilla ice cream.
  11. Turn it over.
  12. Eat!

(It’s pictured without the top graham cracker so you can see what’s inside.)


The deck garden is coming along nicely!

From the left, we have:

  • Snap peas (one seed we got from the library grew into that big plant!)
  • African daisies I picked out at the nursery
  • Lavender (my favorite!)
  • Tomatoes (yuuuuuuckkkkk)
  • Mystery flower I planted for Mommy as a Mother’s Day gift
  • Pumpkins (we got those seeds in the Burgeville kids meal!)


After a fun drive on the streets of Portland, we celebrated America’s independence by walking to a quaint little coffee shop called Starbucks.

I brought LEGOs for everyone!

While Daddy was goofing around, I was getting serious building my string cheese and LEGO creation.

My favorite build was a Minecraft animal pen with pigs and horses.

Then we flew home in our imaginary airplanes!


I made Daddy a Father’s Day card and showed him all the cool drawings I put in it.

Then we went to a record store in Oregon City and found a record with “It’s A Small World” on it! With the Father’s Day discount, it cost $1. It was a Father’s Day miracle!

Then we went home, put the record on, and danced through that whole wonderful chorus.