Well, everything’s back to normal. I’m back to yelling at Mommy for taking my picture.

By the way, did you know that today is the anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ first flight???


While I was in the hospital, Grandma flew in from New York to take care of Chubs. It was a big relief to Mommy and Daddy to know that Chubs was in good hands.

I also had fun talking about airplanes with her and looking at countries on my world map.


Before I got sick, I dictated an 8-page wish list to Santa Claus, Hanukkah Harry and the Birthday Bunny. I’ve included an excerpt of it below.

In a word, I want…PLANES.

Luckily, no little elves have to work sleepless nights building these toys. They can just go to Amazon and buy them off my Wish List!