Today, Mommy continued her quest to take a family picture every New Year’s Day. I was incredibly cooperative and allowed two takes. That’s it! How do you think we compare to last year?

Here I am as my own body double so Mommy could set up the tripod right.


With Christmas and Hanukkah happening at the same time this year, the world is raining down presents! (And I’m totally okay with that.) I started the morning by just diving right in.

After a while, I decided I wanted to open presents in the kitchen…

Opening a ton of awesome presents is HARD WORK.

Chubs got a couple of presents, too. But he was most interested in the rare Oregon sunbeam.

Then at sundown, we lit the firetruck menorah. (Remember when I liked firetrucks??)

Thank you, everyone, for all of the planes, plane books, plane stickers, plane paraphernalia, and money to buy more planes! You know me well.


I started my post-Halloween morning off right with a breakfast of M&M’s and “white coffee” (aka milk).

Post-Halloween fun

Then we learned about the Day of the Dead at school, where I painted my face and made a cool mask. The young lady pictured with me (other than Mommy!) is my classmate, Eliwen.

Post-Halloween fun

Post-Halloween fun

Nana and Papa revisited us on their way home from seeing Kenji and honored their promise to take me to Bricks and Minifigs again! I got a plaaaaaaaaaaane!

Post-Halloween fun

Post-Halloween fun

Post-Halloween fun

Post-Halloween fun

Post-Halloween fun

Post-Halloween fun


Halloween! I loooooove it!

I started off the day with a Halloween party at my school. We had a costume parade outside (I was a fighter pilot!) and then we decorated pumpkins and cookies.

Then I went trick-or-treating with Daddy and people gave me candy! When I got home, I counted me haul (40 candies!) and I sampled some Skittles, Junior Mints, bubble gum, a lollipop, and my trusty ol’ Snickers. What a day!

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016


For the 4th of July, we went down to the Willamette River. I sent cars into the water, saw a bunch of people launching kayaks, and was terrified that a team of ducks would start talking to me.

River days

River days