Because of the ice storm that hit West Linn, we were out of power for 5 days!

We did stuff like eat cheese quesadillas in the dark…

…And play with water and syringes in the sink.

I hung out with Fluffy, who just happens to glow different colors.

We also had to go buy stuff sometimes. We parked our car across the street and found all sorts of obstacles getting there.

One of the things we bought was an inverter to hook up to our car battery. I waited patiently in this cardboard box while Mommy and Daddy hooked it up.

After the inverter was hooked up, we had enough electricity to charge our computer!

We didn’t have internet, but I found this awesome dinosaur game that showed up on any Chrome page without internet.

On what turned out to be our last night without power, we drove to Oregon City and ate delicious hot pizza in our warm car.

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