All of the days are really starting to feel the same now.

Chalk drawing is getting kind of boring.

But I’ve really been liking my Hot Wheels track.

I finished my third week of virtual school.

Here’s a letter I wrote to Mrs. Flagg and Mrs. Stecher explaining why I like the color pink.

We also went on our daily walks to get closer to my goal of 40 miles. I’m almost to 10 miles now.

While walking, I gathered some leaves and flowers to make nature impressions. This is the salt dough.

Then I pressed the leaves and flowers into the dough and baked it. Here are some that I colored, as well.

We also found some painted rocks on one of our walks.

I invented a dessert called Ellamix. Here’s the recipe: Get two molasses cookies, put some strawberries and blueberries between them, and microwave until warm.

We also pulled out the bread machine Grandma and Grandpa got us a while ago. I didn’t like it very much, but Mommy and Daddy did. I’m more excited about the pizza dough we’re going to make next!


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