Kenji visited our house on Easter weekend and one of our favorite things to do was color eggs.

Kenji really liked the egg dye and got his hands so messy, he had to go inside to clean up. So I continued on my own.

I got my hands very colorful, too!

Kenji could barely stand watching me have all the fun by myself through the window…

…so he came back for Round Two!

Whew! That was some hard work, but we walked away with some very cool eggs.

After Kenji had a bath, he had some fun coloring with my old baby crayons and pushing around the stroller. It was fun having you here, Taylor gang!

6 thoughts on “EASTER 2018

  1. I just realized Kenji has spent every one of his Easters with Dexy… I wonder how long we can keep that tradition alive?! Is it too early to plan for Easter 2019? :P

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