My 3-year stats!

Length: 35.25 in (10th percentile)

Weight: 28 lbs 8 oz (25th percentile) I’M GROWING!

Number of teeth: 16 (but 2 more are on their way!)

Favorite food: Trader Joe’s organic whole milk plain yogurt – STILL!

Favorite toy: I still love all my cars and trucks equally.

Favorite book: I like a lot of books right now. Probably my favorite, though, is Cars Galore by Peter Stein and Bob Staake.

Fun words I say: Miralax, probiotic, iPad, Kindle, lugubrious (Daddy just taught me that one).

Stuff I can do: Read numbers from 0-19; type “Tayo” in the search field on YouTube; tell the difference between a flat head and a Phillips head.

Compare with my last checkup!

30-month checkup

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