My 15-month stats!
Length: 30 in (10th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs 12 oz (25th percentile)
Head circumference: 47.3 cm (50th percentile)
Number of teeth: 6
Favorite food: Yogurt with acai berry puree
Favorite toy: Tie between stacker, Play Tower, and My Busy Town
Favorite book: Tie between Big Dog and Little Dog Going For a Walk by Dav Pilkey and Baby Einstein: Dogs by Julie Aigner-Clark
Compare with my last checkup!
First of all, I see a lot of my Uncle Frank in Dexter’s photo shot at the pediatrician! Secondly, I see a pattern with favorite books: dogs! (Wonder why?!) He’s just growing up so fast! Adorable. You guys are incredible parents!
Aw, Schucks. :)