TRAM!!! 2

Yesterday, I went back to Doernbecher for a Modified Barium Swallow study. I had to eat and drink weird white stuff that shows up on an x-ray. After a slow start, I did it! Yay, me! (Oh, and there was nothing wrong. I swallow great. I just don’t like food that isn’t goat cheese or chocolate. Is that so hard to understand???)

After the swallow study was done, but before the dreaded NG tube was replaced, we went on the tram again!

Tram!!! 2 from the Dexter Video Collection.


Yesterday, I went back to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital to get my nephrostomy tubes removed. I spent some time traveling through this hall while I was in the hospital, but this was my first time walking it on my own two feet. Victory lap!

But first…we rode on the Portland Aerial Tram again!!!

Tram!!! from the Dexter Video Collection.


Yesterday was my follow-up appointment with the urology department at Doernbecher’s. I’m an old veteran at this ultrasound stuff now. It showed that my kidney stones passed on their own and I can have my nephrostomy tubes removed!

And afterward, I got to ride on the Portland Aerial Tram, which leaves from the hospital. And they gave me a sticker!

(By the way, yes, I’m wearing the same two shirts every day. With my NG tube going through my nose, I don’t like it when Mommy or Daddy puts a shirt over my head. So I alternate between my two button-downs. You’ll be seeing a lot of these shirts.)


After days of not eating, not drinking enough, sleeping around the clock, complaining about chest and stomach pains, and – gasp! – not caring about airplanes, I found myself in the emergency room of Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. I can’t say it was the most fun 6 hours of my life. But I’m a trooper and the toughest kid around.

Doernbecher Emergency Room

Doernbecher Emergency Room


Yesterday was my big developmental evaluation at the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. I’ve been on the waiting list for months and the day was finally here! And it was…so boring. Four hours of questions and “games” with a developmental pediatrician and speech language pathologist. And there was almost no talk of airplanes!

I was told I get to come back for another round in a few weeks with an occupational therapist and psychologist. Sounds like a party. 😐

Developmental evaluation


Yesterday, Mommy and I went to the Portland International Airport to watch airplanes takeoff and land. I saw United, Delta, Southwest, Virgin America, some private jets, a few recreational aircraft, and a military fighter jet!

PDX Airport

PDX Airport