Cousin Amy and John took the bus all the way to New York City to see us all while we were in town. I got another ride on the subway!
When Mommy and Daddy lived in New York, midtown Manhattan on the Hudson River was a whole bunch of nothing. Now it’s a HUGE area with parks, malls, art, and activities. It’s called Hudson Yards and we had a great time hanging out with Amy and John there.
Grandma and Grandpa left late last night. And Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah left today. But before they went, we had breakfast with them at Banning’s Restaurant & Pie House. Thanks for visiting, everyone!
Yesterday, we moved out of our apartment in Los Angeles. Big [the semi truck from Tayo] came to pick up all of our stuff, EXCEPT for my duffel bag of cars, which came with us in OUR car. I had fun with Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah while Mommy and Daddy got us ready to go on our road trip. Bye, Los Angeles! See you later!
Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah came over and I drove them in my bus. Unfortunately, Uncle Mike was later thrown off of the bus after failing to properly buckle his seatbelt, as I do not have a license and can sometimes drive a little recklessly.
Last night was the fourth night of Hanukkah! Grandma and Grandpa gave me a Thomas the Tank Engine and Uncle Mike & Auntie Sarah got me a new book and decoration for my room. Thanks, everyone!