Daddy and I are playing pretend games with my car.

Me: I go to Trader Joe’s.

Daddy: Oh, can you get me some ice cream?

Me: Okay, I get ice cream. Stopped at a red light. Waiting for it to turn green. Okay, I’m here! Getting ice cream and yogurt and strawberries and oatmeal. And beer. And wine.


It’s 5am on Sunday morning and I call out from my bed.

Me: Hey Mommy, hey Mommy, hey Mommy, hey Mommy, hey Mommy, hey Mommy, hey Mommy…

Mommy comes into my room. I point to the slight light I can see through my window curtain.

Me: Hey, Mommy, it’s morning!

Mommy: But it’s really early morning. You can still sleep more.

Me: No, I have to get ready for work.


I am playing cars with Mommy at the dinner table.

Me: Heart [the pink car from Tayo] needs a new engine. I give her a new engine.

Mommy: Oh, I think she needs a new battery, too.

Me: And she needs wiper fluid. And maybe some oil.

Mommy: You know, I think she may need a new catalytic converter, too.

Me: Oh no! She ran out of money!


I’m sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of oatmeal in front of me.

Mommy: Dex, I want you to do three scoops by yourself.

Me: One scoop.

Mommy: Mmm…how about two scoops?

Me: No. Four scoops.

Mommy: Okay, deal. Four scoops.