Mommy and I are in the waiting room of my pediatrician’s office and another Mommy and her baby are waiting across from us.
Me: I was cuter than that baby.
Mommy and I are in the waiting room of my pediatrician’s office and another Mommy and her baby are waiting across from us.
Me: I was cuter than that baby.
I am in our living room looking out the window, pretending to be at the airport watching airplanes take off and land.
Mommy: What airlines do you see?
Me: I see JetBlue taking off! And Delta landing! And the Hindenburg crashing!
I am licking a maple syrup lollipop that my feeding therapist, Miss Christine, brought me back from Canada.
Me: This lollipop tastes like tzaziki sauce!
Daddy and I are playing with planes at the kitchen table.
Daddy: You’re so sweet, I want to eat you up.
Me: I’m going to eat Daddy. And then he’ll go in my intestines and he’ll come out as poop.
I am in the living room getting ready for school.
Me: Why is the LEGO man sad?
Daddy: Because he’s being chased by the police. He might go to prison.
Me: I’m sad, too.
Daddy: Why? Are you going to prison?
Me: Maybe school is prison.
Mommy, Daddy, and I are watching election coverage on TV.
Me: Are they talking about planes?
Daddy: No, they’re talking about the election.
Me: Because?
Daddy: Because they’re talking about our next President.
Me: Are they inside a plane?
Daddy: No, they’re in a TV studio.
Me: Because?
Daddy: Because that’s where they wanted to make this show.
Me: Is that an airport outside?
Mommy: Yes, we’ll just call it an airport.
BANATO (noun) \bə-nā-tō\: What I call a LEGO hot dog, because it looks to me like a red banana.
Mommy: Do you like to eat banatos?
Me: Yes. I eat banatos on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Mommy and I are sitting at the kitchen table.
Me: I think Orville Wright is our neighbor. He lives in 20790.
Me: I want Mommy’s phone. I want to ask Siri a question.
Mommy gives Dexy her iPhone.
Me: No, I don’t want to ask her a question. Maybe Siri sleeping in her apartment.
Dexy is playing with Legos and doesn’t want to go to bed.
Come on, Dex, it’s bedtime. You have a big
day tomorrow. It’s your first day of school.
When is the last day of school?
Mommy just picked Dexy up from his first day of school.
I am so so so so so so so so so so so
(big gasp of air) so so so tired.