On August 19th, 2020, Mommy and I drove to Tillamook to pick up our new kitten, Finley!

Isn’t he the cutest?

He is the king of naps.

He loves paper bags.

And watching the birds through our screen door.

He also likes lounging in his cat tree.

One of his favorite things is the packing paper that comes in delivery boxes.

Sometimes I find him in the strangest places.

He’s my new buddy. I love him already!


We got a bunch of fruit in our Imperfect Foods box. So we had a fruit taste test!

I think apricots and honeydew are yuck. But watermelon, strawberries, and plums are yum!

Daddy thinks Dexyheads are delicious!


Our deck garden is looking pretty good! The snow peas, corn, potatoes, and teas are growing up big and strong.

The snow peas are the first that we can actually eat! I like to break open the pods and eat the peas inside.


I am still doing school. Can you believe it??

I wrote words in white crayon and painted over them to reveal…magic words!

I also built a race car track and recorded their distances using different variables. This was my first attempt, but it didn’t work out. (Too fragile.)

I went back to the drawing board and came up with this one. It worked great!

I also started building LEGO creations while standing on this ladder (aka The Puyallup Rollback, a ride in my indoor amusement park).

And we went on walks, of course.

It was fitting that we should find this ladybug on one of our walks, because we were studying ladybugs in school!