Almost exactly a year after my first camping trip, I went on my second camping trip!

We arrived at the Tin Willows Sheep Farm in the high desert of Oregon in the early evening and set up our rented camper van at sunset.

I slept in the pop top, of course!

We had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, cooked on our indoor propane stove.

We had access to the creek from our campsite and waded in the chilly water for a bit.

One of my very favorite things about camping was catching flies in our van! We had sooo many flies. We all had a mason jar that we used to catch and release.

Another thing I loved were s’mores! We couldn’t have a campfire due to the fire ban, but the propane stove worked just fine.

On our last day camping, we walked to the actual sheep farm to see some animals.

It was quite windy.

Daddy can always find the dogs. This was Ellie…

…and this was Lora.

The sheep were all lined up, ready to be milked.

Terry, the owner of the farm, showed me how to milk a sheep using the milking machine.

I also found a cute little barn kitten named Dottie!

She climbed right up into my lap for some cuddling.

Mommy and Daddy went to go pet some sheep…

…oh, and Daddy found another dog.

Meanwhile, I found the greatest dirt hill ever.

Another camping trip in the books! Thanks, Tin Willows and our 1989 Ford Economline!


After I go to a new amusement park, I like to update the list of rides I’ve ridden into a Google spreadsheet. Sakura was very interested! Maybe a future coaster enthusiast?

Then Kenji and I played around in the comfiness of his bed.

Hmm, it seems like we do that a lot! (Flashback to 2017!)

It was nice to see you, Sakura! You’ve grown so big in the last year!


The Portland area is having a massive heat wave, reaching temperatures well into the 100s! We invited our friends, Aliah and Cayah, to stay with us because they don’t have air conditioning and their home is very hot.

We had fun cooking food on the grill, eating dinner outside when it cooled off way down to 99 degrees, and hanging out in our luxurious pool.

Their dog, Benny, is a very nice guy. He stayed downstairs or outside, but the cats still didn’t like him being around.

Starbucks gave Mommy a free drink for her birthday, so we tried to walk there, but we didn’t make it. Too hot!


We built a catio! I helped Mommy drive around to pick up supplies. People around town gave us old wood they didn’t want anymore, outdoor carpet, and hinges. I was the designer and Mommy was the builder. Finley and Sunnie love it!