Yesterday, Mommy and I went to my school to have my final IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan) meeting, and lo and behold, as we were leaving, we noticed the Preschool Artist board featuring some artwork by yours truly. That one with the red arrow pointed at it? Oh yeah, that’s mine. (Mommy added that arrow, not my school. Although I wouldn’t have been surprised if they wanted everyone to see it.)

Preschool artist


I haven’t been in an art mood lately, but I suddenly wanted to paint the other day. So Mommy got out the paints and this new thing called glitter. Judging from the shiny gold dust that’s permanently all over our floors, that may not be happening again.

Intro to glitter


Yesterday was my last day at school! I’m going to miss Teacher April and all of the therapists so much. When I started, I was young and green. Then I became known around those parts as “the mayor.” And now I’m a graduate!

Thanks, Therapy West!

Thanks, Therapy West!

Thanks, Therapy West!

Thanks, Therapy West!

Thanks, Therapy West!

Thanks, Therapy West!


I have been super busy making more cars. I choose the colors and type of vehicle. Mommy cuts out the shapes and helps me glue and place them all together.

Car designer


Ugh, I’m either sick again or my old cold suddenly got worse. I missed school yesterday, but Mommy and I made this paper car. Vroom vroom!

Paper car