We’re on a road trip to Idaho! But first, we have to get through eastern Washington. We found a rest stop with cows.

And, best of all, I found a tiny town called Finley! Of course, we had to stop and check it out.

Also, Snapchat filters come in really handy when you’re on a long drive!


Almost exactly a year after my first camping trip, I went on my second camping trip!

We arrived at the Tin Willows Sheep Farm in the high desert of Oregon in the early evening and set up our rented camper van at sunset.

I slept in the pop top, of course!

We had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, cooked on our indoor propane stove.

We had access to the creek from our campsite and waded in the chilly water for a bit.

One of my very favorite things about camping was catching flies in our van! We had sooo many flies. We all had a mason jar that we used to catch and release.

Another thing I loved were s’mores! We couldn’t have a campfire due to the fire ban, but the propane stove worked just fine.

On our last day camping, we walked to the actual sheep farm to see some animals.

It was quite windy.

Daddy can always find the dogs. This was Ellie…

…and this was Lora.

The sheep were all lined up, ready to be milked.

Terry, the owner of the farm, showed me how to milk a sheep using the milking machine.

I also found a cute little barn kitten named Dottie!

She climbed right up into my lap for some cuddling.

Mommy and Daddy went to go pet some sheep…

…oh, and Daddy found another dog.

Meanwhile, I found the greatest dirt hill ever.

Another camping trip in the books! Thanks, Tin Willows and our 1989 Ford Economline!


The Portland Mavericks are playing their first independent league baseball season since 1977. So we drove down to Salem to see them play the Salem Senators.

Like we did when we watched the Portland Pickles, we sat in my favorite area of the stadium – the berm!

There were a lot less people watching the Mavericks, though. We almost had the stadium to ourselves!

It’s fun to be able to see the players up close.

We just happened to see Sean Kiley play as the starting pitcher. He’s the son of one of Mommy’s old Conan co-workers. He pitched great and left with the team leading. Unfortunately, the Mavericks ended up losing. Maybe we’ll see them win next time!


I wanted to go to the Oregon coast at least once this summer. There are a lot of spots, but I chose Newport Beach.

It was kind of cold and realllly windy. The sand kept blowing on my legs like tiny little bullets. So daddy carried me to the water.

Then we had lunch and walked around at a different (and less windy) section of Newport Beach. I intentionally turned away from the camera here because I don’t like posing for pictures!

But it was still really fun! It was a cute town and I always like seeing the ocean.


To me, everything is a ride. The best thing about visiting my pediatrician is this spinning chair.

My 8-year stats!

Height: 4 feet 1 inch

Weight: 47 lbs

Favorite foods: Watermelon, edamame, Wild Mike’s cheese pizza

Favorite game: Planet Coaster

Favorite YouTubers: Coaster Studios, Airtime Thrills, Coastoons, Olli43

Favorite things to do: Go to amusement parks, build “Family Park” (amusement park in our house, made by all of us), draw fictional amusement park maps

Favorite amusement park: Wild Waves Theme and Water Park in Federal Way, WA

Favorite roller coaster: Timberhawk: Ride of Prey at Wild Waves

Compare with my last checkup!


A food court pod recently opened up in Oregon City, so we had to go. Mommy got pizza, Daddy got gumbo, and I got GUACAMOLE! (It was pretty good, but OC Taco’s guac is even better.)

Not only can you get food there, but you can also do Celtic axe throwing! (I’m not old enough, but maybe one day…?).

On the way back to our car, we caught the train that rumbles through there. I can never get enough of that train.