I wanted to show Kenji and Sakura the Cedaroak playground, and we all had a fun time at my stomping grounds.

We went to the the world famous Coney Island! It took, like, an hour on the subway, but I love the subway, so no problem. Plus, I was super duper crazy excited.
Don’t I look miserable?
I rode The Phoenix!
Daddy had a Nathan’s hot dog for lunch, OF COURSE.
And, of course, the subway back to the hotel.
Video time!
Cousin Amy and John took the bus all the way to New York City to see us all while we were in town. I got another ride on the subway!
When Mommy and Daddy lived in New York, midtown Manhattan on the Hudson River was a whole bunch of nothing. Now it’s a HUGE area with parks, malls, art, and activities. It’s called Hudson Yards and we had a great time hanging out with Amy and John there.
Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah had a wedding reception in Yonkers, NY. I got there early and got to run around the place.
I sat by Daddy’s old friend Seth and Seth’s dad. They brought me stamps and Mad Libs to play with!
Afterward, we got to ride the Metro North and NYC subway back to our hotel. I love New York mass transit!
The North Haverhill Fair was going on while we were in New Hampshire. So, of course, we had to go so I could get another credit!
This turned out to be the worst roller coaster I’ve ever ridden. See that cord behind me? This coaster was literally plugged in to the train the whole time. (But it’s a credit!)
Grandma is not much of a roller coaster fan, so she just accompanied me us.
Mommy and I went on a swing ride, and it was pretty nauseating.
But a fair is a fair, and I still had an awesome time!