Today, I ate part of a cookie! It’s the first time I’ve ever voluntarily eaten anything that’s not oh-so-silky-smooth. It took about ten minutes, but I slowly gnawed it away. Watch out, hamburgers! I’m looking at you next!
Today, I ate part of a cookie! It’s the first time I’ve ever voluntarily eaten anything that’s not oh-so-silky-smooth. It took about ten minutes, but I slowly gnawed it away. Watch out, hamburgers! I’m looking at you next!
That’s awesome, Dexy! I’m so proud of you.
And might I add that I will gladly be your wingman in your future fight against the yummy hamburger horde (just let me know, though, if you’d rather I focus on the hamburgers’ thinner but also delicious ally, hot dogs. I have a black belt when it comes to hot dogs).
Thanks for being my wingman, Daddio!
1st of July is cookie,memorial,day for Nana. Is TOFU next ???
Can Pie be next? Isn’t food fun!
Okay, pie! Can it be plain yogurt pie??
Pi miight object but I was thinking of ice cream myself did dex know about our new
National holiday
People keep trying to convince me that ice cream is good! I don’t know…
First step on the way to becoming a “foodie”-Next Ice Cream, then Pizza, then Egg Foo Young!
Or maybe chicken vindaloo!
I would much rather introduce him to the most wonderful food around…..cupcakes!
Hmm, interested in this cupcake thing you speak of. We’ll see, we’ll see.